Netflix‘s upcoming true crime documentary American Nightmare dives into the unbelievable story of Denise Huskins, who was kidnapped for ransom in 2015 in a bizarre case that police were quick to call a hoax.
The documentary will uncover the months of harassment Huskins and her boyfriend, Aaron Quinn, underwent after he reported her kidnapping to police. The local authorities considered him to be a prime suspect and vigorously interrogated him about the alleged crime.
When Huskins reappeared two days later 400 miles away before the ransom was paid, the police admitted they were already having a difficult time believing Quinn’s claims.
“It was such an incredible story, we initially had a hard time believing it,” Vallejo police Lt. Kenny Park said, per the New York Post. “Upon further investigation, we couldn’t substantiate any of the things he was saying.” The investigation then turned on Huskins and Quinn.
The case gripped national headlines, which compared Huskins to Gone Girl, the bestselling novel and film about a woman who fakes her own kidnapping.
But was any of it true? Or was this alleged Gone Girl kidnapping actually a hoax? Here’s everything you need to know about the case and the Netflix doc.
Is There An American Nightmare Trailer?
Yes! There is a trailer for American Nightmare on Netflix. Scroll all the way up to check it out.
The synopsis reads, “After a home invasion and abduction, a young couple’s recounting of the events is too far fetched for the police to believe. Why did the victims seem so calm? Was it all a hoax? From the filmmakers behind The Tinder Swindler, this three-part docuseries unravels the consequences of our cultural rush to judgment, and the damage done when law enforcement decides the truth can’t possibly be true.”
Denise Huskins Story: Is American Nightmare A True Story?
Just months after Huskins reappeared after the alleged kidnapping that police were quick to deem a hoax, Matthew Muller was arrested and charged for her abduction.
The disbarred lawyer was arrested in connection with a home invasion in the Bay Area that had similarities to Huskins’ kidnapping, the Associated Press reports. His arrest also uncovered evidence that gave police probable cause to believe he was connected to her kidnapping, such as a pair of goggles with a long blond hair on them.
Quinn and Huskins spoke out about their treatment in 2021 after publishing a book about their experience titled Victim F: From Victims to Suspects to Survivors.
“When my attorney told me they were calling me Gone Girl in the headlines, I asked: ‘Is that a good thing?’” Huskins said. She claimed she had never seen the film. “Then I realized what they meant and it was just so insulting.”
After the debacle, the couple sued the Vallejo Police Department and were awarded a $2.5 million settlement.
When Does American Nightmare Premiere on Netflix?
American Nightmare premieres on Netflix Jan. 17.