‘Pokémon Concierge’
Netflix’s absolutely enchanting new series Pokémon Concierge is the perfect antidote to the dreaded grownup illness, burnout. The stop-motion animated series follows Haru (voiced by Rena Nōnen in Japanese and Karen Fukuhara in English), a harried young professional who leaves her city life behind to work at an exclusive resort catering to both humans and Pokémon. Haru soon discovers that the way to excel at this new gig isn’t to stress out, but to calm down. Of course, that’s easier said than done. All four episodes of Pokémon Concierge are short, sweet, and breezy little vignettes populated by the most adorable felt-covered Pokémon. Pokémon Concierge might not have the battles some Pokémon fans adore, but that’s because it’s about a far more universal fight: the one with our own insecurities.